I knit this for my sister for Christmas...

And in case you were unsure, it's an ipad sleeve! I knit it in some lionbrand cottonease I had in the stash...and it's a free pattern from Emily Nimz.

My only gaffe was in "pattern assumption"...I had basically finished knitting it in it's entirety before I realized the pattern called for a special cast-on that would have allowed for a seamless bottom. D'oh! But I wasn't about to tear back and just seamed it up instead. That's what I get for just plunging in and casting on my usual way.
I was trying to hold out for pictures of it with the ipad inside, but it completely slipped my mind on Xmas day and I just never got around to it again. Ah well, she assures me it fits!
I like to tease my sister about her intense ipad addiction, but it seems that I too have now joined the iphone revolution...
All that to say... if you'd like to follow me on instagram my handle is: recklessglue. You can be my like 5th friend (sad, I know haha).
I mean let's get real, instagram was the main reason I even bought an iphone in the first place! But if you have suggestions for any fun apps send 'em my way (I have already kind of gone app-crazy...I think in the first week alone I loaded about 15 different camera apps) but are there any good knitting ones? I almost loaded a stitch/row counter but then thought better of it. (When was the last time I even counted rows?). I need like a lazy-knitter app or something. Or maybe one that will just do.the.knitting.for.me.
And I'm sure I'm kind of late to this party but I'm also on Pinterest now too. BOY HOWDY do I love being able to pin knitting patterns and various inspirations. Easy Peasy...
See you somewhere on the internets!