I needed a last minute ornament for a tree decorating party and stumbled upon this pattern from beewee.

SO cute/fun/fast and before I knew it I had five of them knit...a couple for my tree and a couple extras to give away!.
I basically just used scrap yarn...The white is Patons Classic Wool, and the red is Rowan Kid Classic. I cut the little white spots out of felt and just fabric glued them on. They would be even cuter with needle-felted roving I'm sure.
The great thing about this pattern is that it's knit all in one piece and you just sort of stuff it as you go. Pull the yarn through the top down to the bottom, tie it in a knot and cram in inside so you don't really have to worry about any seaming and it's done lickety split with super cute results.
I also used the same yarn combo for another fun ornament:

pattern: Cherry brooch by Amanda Berry from Fluff and Fuzz.
You should check her out on ravelry, she really has some of THE cutest knit toy patterns available (though this one is gloriously free) and very well-written.

Not really sure what I'm going to do with them yet, but I will probably make some much smaller ones in future as brooches. (Perhaps something a little less testicle sized next time eh?).
And just so you're not thinking it's only been miniature knits coming off the needles these days, my Treeline Striped cardigan is finally done!

And I really like it (though have to say I don't think it's the most flattering thing --horizontal stripes, go figure...).

I knit the sleeves for this sweater probably about ten months ago (you may remember I had some issues with the sleeves), and then FINALLY picked it back up to finish off the rest last month.
I know a lot of people like to knit the sleeves first for sweaters but I've never really understood that, always preferring to get the biggest piece out of the way before anything else (i.e usually the back) but I have to say, because the pattern called for it that way, I knit the sleeves first and psychologically it did really seem to make a difference. (Or maybe it was my ten month lapse that made the difference?) cause once I got into the body of this sweater it just seemed to fly off the needles.

Now that said...this pattern was RIDDLED with errors. Too many to even get into here, so if you're thinking about knitting it I've written quite a few notes about it on my ravelry page for this F.O. You can find that HERE, hopefully it will help someone out. God knows I was ready to tear my hair out at a couple of points, but once you muddle through it all works out in the end.
I knit this using (once again...) Patons Classic Merino wool (in black and grey). I have a lot of Patons in the stash right now that I'm trying to get through. Don't get me wrong, I like it, (the price and yardage can't be beat) but I'm definitely getting tired of knitting with it lately. I'm craving something fancy again (but am TRYING to resist...)
Also knit with more black Patons:

The Olive Hat from the Patons "Fall in Love" booklet.
I was planning to gift this to my sister in law, but have subsequently moved on to something else instead. When I first saw the picture of it:

I was convinced it was cabled. Turns out it's a sea of eyelets, so not exactly the warmest hat to gift to someone.

It's also knit flat which I found a bit weird. I'm not sure I've ever knit a hat flat before. The seam up the back is pretty invisible, but I still know it's there and it bugs me. I would definitely opt to knit this in the round the next time.
Nevertheless it's kind of become my go-to hat lately, so I shouldn't complain!

So there you have it --can't believe I managed to cram so much into one post on Xmas eve!
I hope everyone has an amazing Holiday season--all the best to you and yours!
xo Cara