pattern: Debbie Bliss, the baby knits book
yarn: Debbie Bliss alpaca silk (80% baby alpaca, 20% silk) in coral (#25010)
needles: 4.5 mm bamboo straights
A quick knit! I even did the little matching garter stitch hat to go with it. In the end it took me just over 7 balls of the alpaca silk, which is totally outrageous. I knit the smallest size, and checked my gauge, but I think it's definitely still a lot bigger than originally intended. Though I guess with baby knits, it would be better to grow into anyway, plus it's a jacket so it can be a bit big, right?
And with two and a half balls left of this gorgeous yarn, I'm not exactly sure what to do next. I'm thinking about making a kerchief for myself (only because I at least want to have a small sampling of that yarn to wear myself!) --or maybe a matching cowl for the baby's mama?
It's not 100% done as I still need to find/sew on some decent buttons for it:

It's somewhat of an odd colour with neither red nor pink working all that perfectly, so my thoughts of little cherries or strawberries may be dashed. There are so many cute options at Repro Depot, but again. NO EFFING SHIPPING TO CANADA. grr. Anyone know of a Canadian option for stuff like this?
I've been a bit of lazy-ass in the knitting realm lately (although these posts don't seem to reflect it...) but I'm actually not all that motivated to do much knitting in the evenings any more for some reason. Perhaps it's just a phase. I definitely have no desire to purchase new yarn (though there is a lot that I am covetting) and like the tireless "purger of stuff" that I've been known to be I am seriously scheming ways to use up a lot of my stash. The sudden additional space I find myself with after using up all this coral alpaca is what's spurring me on I think. Out with the old before I can get on with the new!
***Button update found here: buttons!