The ONE measly item of Christmas knitting that I had to do this year did not even get finished. Well, it was kind of a two-fer...matching scarf and mitts. The scarf got done,

oh that handsome devil...

I know, what a boring scarf (but highly wearable I must say) particularly for someone on the less uh flashy side of fashion.
The matching mitts though, did not turn out as planned...

(I should have made him do a thumbs-down here instead...)
meh. I just took a basic mitt pattern and altered it with a moss stitch.
To say that I am sick of knitting mitts right now would be pretty accurate --though I must say that I think it's mostly psychological. That one moss stitch mitt sat on my coffee table staring at me for about two weeks while I decided what was to become of it. It was also a psychological barrier for me in that I refused to cast on anything new until I could at least get those done. And the more I told myself that, the less I wanted to knit anything.
They worked out ok, but it was a bit too matchy matchy, so I tore 'em out in favour of the all-too basic mitts once again:

Now that they're done I feel the weight of them lifted and I can finally turn towards newer projects..
Why then did I decide to cast on for ANOTHER pair of mitts last night?!

Well, they were just too darn cute not to...
Can't wait to add the little button eyes!

With any luck I'll manage to squeak these in as my last knit of 2008. I can't believe another year of knitting has come and gone.
I have some knitting on the horizon for 2009 that I'm excited to get started on and I'm planning to do my usual look back at the previous year's knitting and 2008 knit-o-lutions like so many of you as well (spoiler: 2008 knit-o-lutions NOT completed--surprise, surprise) so I will likely have to tack those onto this year's list as well...oopsy.
Hopefully my energy will return after I've consumed the last of the Christmas chocolates in the house and can get back to yoga (among other healthier pursuits) after a two week absence. Ok wait, I still have a New year's eve bloat to get through as well.
ugh it never ends...
have a great New Year!