Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Etsy Knitspiration

In light of the crazy-ass economic times we find ourselves in (most especially my neighbours to the south...) isn't handmade a better way to go for the holidays? And since most of you reading here are likely knitters anyway, I figured we were all due for a little knitting gift-spiration.

For the jewellery lovers out there, (that's ALL of us, right?)

$58 from Toggle

Silvia66 $42

knitted flowers from Silvia66 $18

Knitted I-cord rules, and there are million things you can do with it. Perhaps something for the vinyl junkie in your life? (This one is crochet, though you could easily coil up some I-cord for the same effect...)

Record cushion from Toggle $68

And from Olive Brown, gorgeous super-sized chunky knits:

Colour-block scarf $115

Neck Loop $75

Hemp Market Bag $75

Chunky Cowl from SprattersandJayne $85

Dishcloths from CocoaBean $6

There is something on Etsy for everyone in virtually every price range and every taste.

If nothing else these ideas make me wonder why I'm not motivated enough to start my own knitwear etsy shop...though stay tuned, that is likely on the horizon, I'm just narrowing down what I think my niche should be.

Oh, and I almost forgot to add this one --for the truly ambitious among you...

from Theresa Honeywell

Ok, maybe not.


Julia said...

Hey, we both blogged about the economy - ooh! Political!

Start and Etsy store - do it!

erngrn said...

that chain knit necklace is great!