Holy Moly.
I shall attempt to abbreviate for you (in knitting related terms) and mostly in photos, what I've been up to over my (extended) holidays.
Did I get some knitting realted gifts from Santa? Boy howdy.

I lurve her. And two, count 'em TWO ball winders:

I made them battle it out in American-Gladiator like yarn winding proportions before I decided which one to return and which to keep.
The champ:

SO, knitting-related Xmas presents for me will kinda continue on as I think about what to actually purchase with my newly created knitting-return money. I also got a copy of Runway Knits from my sister which was unexpectedly cool as well.
Was there any knitting over the holiday season? Hmmm probably more drinking than knitting unfortunately. And I got the opportunity to sit and knit with the fabulous Miss Muffy who hands down is far more adept at boozing while knitting. She finished a pair of socks, where as *I*, on cosmo number three found myself repeatedly unknitting the same row of sunrise circle over and over again. No matter, it's as close to a stitch 'n bitch as I'm ever gonna get.
Though I did manage to start something new:

hahahahaha. Okay it's actually that Nora Gaughn scarf from Knitting Nature that I've been meaning to start for awhile now.

I got just that far and ran out of yarn, so it's on hold until I make another trip to my LYS. But apart from that, Sunrise Circle and the swiss cheese scarf are back on. Thanks to everyone's advice here and a couple of little birdies helping me out on Ravelry (honestly what did I DO before Ravelry?), I've managed to fix the loosey-goosey stitch problem I was having with that pattern and have officially renewed interest in it. So thank you everyone for your advice!
In a moment of needing to do something small and fast, out popped my first official F.O of 2008:

Recognize it? It is Calorimetry from Knitty.com. This thing has been in my cue FOREVER, so I finally decided to just bust it out.
I dunno, I am super meh about it. It's so not my thing--a little too granola for me perhaps? I modified it a bit---cast on 100 stitches to make it a bit smaller for what apparently is my PEA SIZED head. whaaa? I think in the end I just don't know how to wear my hair under it properly and therein lies my problem with it. That's pretty much all I have to say about that little number.

I just got back from California Friday night. I am sick with cold and exhausted, and mostly just spent the weekend in my jammers. Very little knitting happened on the trip so I'll attempt to regale you with what little there was in an upcoming post as well as the usual 2008 knit year's resolutions and a look back at 2007. I know I'm almost a month behind everyone else on all this stuff now. Shazbot.
But, nevertheless: Happy New Year, belatedly.
Well Happy Belated New Year to you too! Haha!
Looks like Santa spoiled you! :o)
And yeah I so want to knit Calorimetry but...not sure if I would like it on my head...and in fact KNOW I wouldn't wear it....but just want to knit it up b/c everyone and their mama has! LOL
Hope you feel better soon!
Happy New Year to you too, sounds like you've been having fun; am loving your Christmas bounty and pleased to the NG scarf in progress might get me off my butt and on to that soon - or should that be on to my butt so I can sit and knit it?
Welcome back!
I don't know whether to be proud or ashamed of my ability to drink and knit at the same time! Although there is probably more booze in 3 cosmos than 3 glasses of wine!
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