The Swiss Cheese Scarf

purty. But coming along sooo slowly. It's kinda become my "at work" project, so it maybe gets about ten minutes worth of attention in between my soup and daily crossword.
And Sunrise Circle

Kate Gilbert is a genius. When I knit something constructed like this I think: "how? how do you design something like this?!" It's always the things that look the most basic that seem to have a hidden depth.
I really thought I'd be near to completion on that one this weekend, but in the end a mystery project completely took over and consumed all my spare time.
What is this mystery item you might ask?

well, it's a gift. That's all you get right now.
I know I've mentionned this before, but I am SO desperate to take on something new and exciting, but in typical this-is-me fashion, I refuse to until one of these long-standing knits is done. So for now I can only dream about the things I want to do...
like this Twinkle vest on the right:

God, I am so in love with it. Anyone out there know anything about it? Like what it's called and where I can find a pattern for it? I'm wondering if it's actually from her book that's due out next month...
I'm even tempted to give socks another whirl (and I hate knitting socks...) but these ones are just too fun:

Actually, a lot of Alice Bell's designs seem like much fun--
how cute is this dishcloth?

or this bracelet?

I am also seriously dreaming of knitting this right now
(image deleted)
and praying that THIS copy of Rowan 38 that I just ordered for it doesn't also get lost in the mail! Although I am finally starting to wise up and have things mailed to me at work. It seems like pretty much nothing makes it to me at home anymore...don't know what is up with that, but it is beyond annoying for someone as addicted to ebay as myself.
So for now, everything's just a pipe dream. Hopefully there will at least be a couple of F.O's in my future so that I can move on from all this gooey wistfulness.
So the Swiss scarf is a slow knit huh? You and three other people I know are knitting on this and it seems to take awhile to get thru it. MMmh maybe a good knit group project??
I love that Twinkle vest too! Let me know when you find the pattern too! (b/c I know you will! Haha)
Can't wait for the reveal on the mystery project.
Have a fabulous week!
Ahh - I've been having a hard enough time not casting on new projects without all of this showcase-ery! Love everything, the scarf, the Rowan sweater, and LOVE the Twinkle vest - where did you find the pic? I'm going to have a heart attack when that book comes out!
I stole that pic off someone else's blog who was profiling some twinkle stuff. I'll email her and ask her if she knows what it is.
I know, for all my griping about twinkle stuff I've definitely gotten a lot of use out of that book --I'm thinking about doing the biker vest now too--would you recommend?
I tried on my balthazar vest again this morning and am thinking about frogging it.
It looks like you have a lot of great patterns to choose from. I am loving your swiss cheese scarf.
I think it wouldn't be a slow knit if I wasn't working on it so infrequently...tho I imagine the people using laceweight for it (and more repeats of the "holes") are finding it agonizingly slow!
that swiss cheese scarf always catches my eye - so unique and so cute. i think you will be happy with it when you complete it, even if it is slow-going now.
Cast on cast on cast on - let go for something new :o)
Nice to see the scarf coming along - I'm still planning one but maybe I'll go for something chunkier than I originally thought.
That Twinkle vest is uh-dorable. I totally agree with you.
I nominated you for the You Make My Day Award!
make my day award? say whaaaaaat?
you so sweet.
I just noticed in my lag of following up on your posts that you respond in your comments!
Gurl!!! I NEVER come back to read your comments!!
You so should e-mail me! LOL
I can barely keep up with my reads let alone come back! ;op
Please definitely e-mail me your replies woman!! :oD
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