And with good reason --it's a pretty sweet little number!
I knit it in Mirasol Sulka, which could quite possibly be one of the softest (though NON shedding) incredible yarns I've knit with. Of the hot-damn-I-wish-I-could-swaddle-my-naked-body-in-this-24-7 variety. It's merino, silk and alpaca (in the "lime" colorway). Much like Manos, Mirasol helps support rural communities through the sale of it's yarns.
But apart from that, it's like buttah people, like buttah!
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My second attempt at this hat however proved less successful with the aforementionned Manos...
Though not through any fault of the pattern--this was strictly a yarn choice problem...the Manos was too heavy, too lumpy and too BIG (it's knit double-stranded) and yes, in true-to-form reckless fashion, I got cocky on the second round and did not check my gauge. Hmmm--where have we heard this from me before? It looks kind of okay in that second round of photos, but I think that's strictly due to tucking in yarn ends, and tweaking the positionning...
So suffice to say, the very prospect of this test knit caused THIS to happen to me last week:
Yeah, that's right...seriously, what is my problem? (She's been bad, but she's not evil...)
Also, because Julia had originally knit it in Malabrigo, I became obsessed with this notion. I found it at knit-knackers --a cute little store in town that I've never been to, but that is literally three blocks from my house.
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Malabrigo success! mmmm I can smell the ocean...
(I didn't drive the three blocks as this photo might imply --I swear we were on our way to Montreal for a 'lil retail therapy!)
But in my usual fit of knit-impatience, I managed to knit the hat twice before finding my originally intended yarn. Now I'm not quite sure what to do with it (tho can probably come up with something).
this hat makes me feel all girlie...