To say that I am growing weary of this would be the understatement of the decade.
My street:

Ironically this photo was taken prior to Saturday's snowstorm, so yesterday things were pretty much twice as high as that. Then there was some good melting last night, and now apparently it will be all for naught, again. I can't even see out my balcony window right now.
Don't get me wrong --I LOVE the snow. I'm one of the few it seems who generally has no complaints in the winter (it's our tedious 45 degree celcius sauna-humidex summers that I can't handle...)
We even went tobogganing again on Sunday (with far less injuries than last week's debacle..)

and I post this because the tobogganing hat that I wore that day is the one day beret that I knit over the weekend.
I'm pretty much obsessed with berets and am always looking for just the right pattern.

This one might be a keeper. It's more of a beret "recipe" than actual pattern I guess. It's still kinda too big for my liking though. I need to get a better handle on my actual head size or something to really make this beret measure up properly. I knit it once and it was ENORMOUS, so I tore it all out and made it much much smaller. I'm also not sure how I feel about top-down hats. I like my knitting to get progressively smaller as I work on it --that way I can actually feel like I'm getting somewhere and the end is somehow in sight.
One day of sledding though and it looked like this in the end:

Totally stretched out, so definitely still too big. Mind you I did kinda know that would happen when I brought it with me. I will probably try this pattern again using something else...I used Misti Alpaca worsted 4-ply in "natural". Super soft, super floppy, so it's no wonder it didn't really hold it's shape so well.
Anyone out there have a beret pattern that they love? I'm thinking I may try the Purl beret again since the first one I knit was a bit too small for my liking.
That final picture of you is really great! You look like you're having so much fun.
thanks! it was pretty funny :)
I am always on the lookout for great beret patterns too. I'll send you a message via raverly. If I forget - message me and I'll get them for you.
Ha-ha! That last pic is hilarious! Maybe it's not so much the hat being too big, as it is the band of ribbing? Maybe weave elastic thread through the bottom?
BTW - that sled you got there is pretty EXTREME!!!
yes, definitely the ribbing I need to fix...I know-- I felt so badass when I bought that sled, even my nephews were like "it looks fast!", but then when I got to the hill every little kid had the exact same one (on sale at cosco don't ya know...) so I felt kinda lame (lamer that is) plus, the really bad ass one is still the plastic disc you can buy for 5 bucks at loblaws. That thing killed my ass, made Nat want to vomit due to non-stop spinning in circles and FLEW down the hill. killer.
Too cute, you look like you're having such a good time! I've been really into berets too this season for some reason. Well no, not for some reason, for several reason.
1. Viva variety
2. they don't squish hair!
3. they are super fast to make
4. they are relatively trendy
5. You can put POMS on them! :)
Happy knitting & good luck finding the perfect one!
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