There hasn't been a lot of knitting happening this summer (carpel tunnel, thank you very much), but at this point I'm so far behind on updates that I will at least post a couple knits for posterity's sake if nothing else. Those of you who check in on Ravelry may have already seen these: I have two good friends having babies this summer, and there's nothing more satisfying than a baby knit!

free pattern (Ravelry): Tulip yoked baby cardigan that I modified with acorns instead of Tulips --I made up my own chart for this since I couldn't find one anywhere. And I also added the squirrels à la TraceyNicole who seriously makes the most insanely adorable baby knits. I've copied several of her ideas at this point!

The yarn I used here was Cascade 220 Superwash sport on 3.75mm needles.
When I saw the squirrel/acorn mods I knew I absolutely had to make it. Something about it just screamed CANADIANA to me, and the parents were leaving the sex of the baby a surprise (in the end it was a boy...) and Daddy was a Brazilian/Chinese transplant to Canada that it all just seemed kind of fitting.
It turned out adorable, though if I had to do it again, I might be inclined to go with something "woolier". I know superwash is probably good for a baby, but I am fearful that some ends will start slipping out.
Also for the fabulous Miss Muffy that some of you here probably follow as well...

free pattern: Pebble vest (I love that you can take what is essentially meant to be a "boy's vest" and turn it into a cute tunic for a girl).
yarn: Patons Classic in "cognac heather" / needles: 3.75mm and some matching booties to go with:

(also a free Ravelry download, baby janes)
And yes, there was a bit of switch-up there... the little lamb became a heart. I always seem to go for hearts anyway, but after my mom said "what a cute car" I knew it

There are a few more things in the works but knitting has overall been at a standstill of late. I have at least determined that the carpel tunnel issues I'm having are down to RIDING MY BIKE more than they are knitting, so that's good news at least (cuz really if I had to choose...). I'm hopeful that everything will be highly correctable.
Plus ugh it's been so hot this summer that knitting is the last thing on my mind these days. So traffic on this here blog may continue to be sporadic but I haven't given up on it yet.
I'm also still addicted to Instagram if you want to follow me there @recklessglue and on Flickr I still go by Jadeblade.
I don't ever stray too far from the internets in some capacity, and I'm definitely still reading a lot of your blogs, so hopefully this is the kick in the ass I need to get back to blogging. In future I may try to go a little more photo-heavy and a lot less wordy, but well you know how that goes...blah blah blah type-type-type!
xo Cara
*BOOT* thats another kick in the ass from me.. but because I'm glad your'e bac-ish! sorry about the carpel tunnel, but, uh, that acorn sweater is amazing!
revamping your site always encourages me to get back into the swing of things...
thanks for the extra boot! Blogger appears to have changed things since I was here last as well--it's a whole new world now haha
Those are both adorably cute, why is no one around me having babies?! Glad you're back.
yay, you're back!!
seriously freakin' adorable on the baby knits, too. The squirrel cardigan kills me ;)
lucky babies and mamas
Hey -- so glad to see you back here on your blog. You've been missed but hope your carpel tunnel syndrome begins to abate to the point where you'll not only be knitting more but definitely blogging more!
Love my tunic! Pictures of a baby in it coming this fall...
CUTE! I adore those little acorns!
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