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(I KNOW! it's totally nuts, thank god I wrapped eveything up a week ago...)--- I then decided to re-think my morning plan-- do I want to deal with driving to work in this? answer: No. No, I don't. And then I thought: "I know, I'll take the bus! I'll go early, it'll be dead, I can knit on the ride in and give my podcasts the full attention they deserve!" I was actually looking forward to it. Which is why I'm sure you can tell where this is going....I left the house at 7:15 and got to work at 9am. After standing for a solid 45 minutes I finally clued in that there would be no bus (I later discovered they had taken all of the articulated buses off the road --without warning) and swaddled in handknits though I was, I was still totally damp and freezing. So off I chugged to the transit way. Trying to manoeuver the just-shy-of-the-knee high snow for twenty minutes is pretty much the equivalent of 60 minutes on the treadmill. You don't so much walk as "march" with your knees as high as you can get them. It's kind of like running in place (or under water...)
All that to say, man I wish I could have just been curled up on the sofa knitting...
A visit to the parental units washing machine over the weekend however did manage to finally felt up something toastie:

Here's hoping they will fit their intended recipient, as they're actually just right for yours truly. I think I can probably stretch them out a bit more though.
I will likely make these again, but with a higher back...they kinda turned more into "mule"-shapped slippers than clogs. And I seriously need to get a handle on picking up stitches--I find I always wind up with a "ridge" on one side. I'm not sure how to avoid this---maybe I am picking up in too thick a spot? And in this particular case I really did not seem to pick up enough (even though it seemed like I was doing it wherever I possibly could) and then had to make more stitches as I went. But whatever, when you know it's all getting matted together in the end, do you really care about perfection?
I had also attempted to felt up some black squares to make black bows, but when it came out of the wash "UN" felted I clued in that it must have been an acrylic after all (damn all these scraps!). So I went with red bows instead:

The ladyfest craftsale on Saturday was as usual, a mad crush. My man remarked "I can't believe you're not bothered by this, yet the record conventions make you crazy". At least I know at a craftsale I could likely take a few people in a throw down if I had to. If forced I can elbow with the best of them. At the record fairs it's always just a bunch of mean nerds shoving you out of the way. Mean nerds who are so effing anal about the lamest shit. BUT to each his own. God knows there's enough lame shit in my life that I'm pretty into as well (The Hills anyone?) whoa I just outed my lame reality TV addiction there. oopsy. They definitely need a bigger venue for that craftsale though. Half the time you can't get anywhere near the tables. And maybe I've been to too many of these kinds of sales, but I found the whole experence a bit lackluster.
But that didn't stop me from SHOPPIN'!
A seat cover for my crusier, Tokyo Drift (no more wet bum for me when I stumble out of the pub!):

And that was the only thing I bought for myself. I tried to drop a few hints on things to the BF, but he just wasn't cluing in (funny how that is...) and everything else is spoken for gift-wise:

You can click HERE and scroll the image for notes on what's what. (Though not what's for who(m). Wait...did that make sense? Who's on first? What's on second?)
All in all a decent haul, and I shouldn't really complain. Plus there are far more annoying things going on in my life that I'm already struggling not to complain about here, so I won't add it to the pile.
Enjoy the snow if you have it --my new toboggan is calling my name...
The craftsale was a total madhouse. At first I was pissed because I couldn't get near the first few tables but the flow increased a bit once you rounded the corner.
I got my MeiMei pros already! I'm wondering why I was charged $6.50 for shipping that was $2.55, though. Have you noticed this with them?
I'm heretofore considering walking to the bus stop my cardio for the year. Chris and I made the same comment about it being like running in place yesterday.
yeah kind of a pisser that often sellers will post the same shipping price for Canadians as they do americans (canadian sellers that is) it's a bit of a burn particularly when these things appear to be coming from a a few streets away!
I messaged her about it and she refunded me three dollars. She should have done that to begin with but at least justice was served.
That bikeseat cover is genius. Why didn't I think of making and selling those? Of course I could just steal the idea...
After standing out in the cold that long, I'm not sure I could have actually gone into work. Kudos to you!
Those slippers are so cute, I love the little black and red bows on them.
Julia, I would also no doubt like your bike seat covers better too! consider me your first buyer...
apparently anything bike related is big in the craft world. The pottery seller had a serious run on mugs that said "i heart my bike"...
Whoooooa! It has been 4ever since I had to march in snow!!!! I SO do not miss my WI days! :op And I would have SO called in that day! Haha! You were very persistent!!! :oD
The Knit2Together slippers are CUTE! I love the bows!
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