pattern: Floppy Toque by Cathy Caron (Vogue Knitting Holiday 2008) size xs
yarn: Fleece Artist Peter Rabbit (less than 1 skein held double)
needles: 4.5mm
This yarn: fabulous. But fuzzy --yeah, duh I know, it's angora. Mercifully it's a quick knit, so the fuzz-up-the-nose factor is limited. The xs size was pictured on the model, and it looked super floppy so that's what I went with (I have a small head...) In the end a floppier hat would have been even better for me I think (a medium maybe?). The yardage required for even the XS was TEN balls of angora (they usually come in what ten gram balls?--5 or 6 or 10 bucks a pop?) so financially the Peter Rabbit is a great deal for something like this at $20 a skein. I've had this ball in my stash for a really long time not knowing what to do with it. I had the same yarn in another colour as well, and one skein yielded me this scarf (hard to believe one year ago I was a much less experienced knitter...) but that's just to show how much you can get out of one skein (and how quickly you can grow as a knitter in a short amount of time).

I've long wanted to do a Cathy Caron pattern, so in some ways this wee hat is a bit of a cop-out in that regard cuz she's got some great sweater patterns --these have been in my queue for ages...not sure when I'll ever get around to them:

(who IS this gorgeous model she uses for all her shots?)
Well, after this hat, maybe it's time I actually buckled down and did one.
Also in the hat department:

A loong time ago miss Amy of Whistlepea knits was sweet enough to gift me her hat pattern and some yarn. I just can't believe it's taken me this long to get around to knitting it!

did I just wake up?--are those pajamas?!
pattern: Interwoven cable hat by Amy O'Dell (buy one here)
yarn: Elann peruvian highland wool in bisque (1 ball)
needles: 5mm
Further proof that I am a loose knitter--I didn't check my gauge *and* ran out of yarn. I didn't have any more cause she had gifted it to me originally, BUT I had some Patons in a similar colour. I finished off the crown with it and ta da...how weird is it that it is an exact freakin' match? Well, I mean it must not be, it's not even the same yarn yet alone dye lot, but the match is seamless. Crazy, huh? Patons to the rescue once again.
Thanks again Amy for the fun knit!
Ok I think that's probably more than enough photos of yours truly for one day...