Monday, December 04, 2006
Ladyfest Craftsale thank-you
xoxoxox Cara & Marnie
Friday, November 17, 2006
bootylicious toilet seats!

So, please come...there's lots of amazing, funky, fabulous and TRULY one of a kind items available for sale at these ladyfest events, and the Holiday one is by far the most popular and an amazing showcase of Ottawa's hippest and most unique talents (I'm hoping to score myself one of those Johnny Cash pillow-dolls this year!).
So don't forget:
Saturday December 2nd (see below for more details) and get ALL your Xmas shopping done in one day!
Xmas craftsale details
lights out, unhuh, flash flash

This year we are doing mostly the singles and mostly the pinups. Anything we've still got from the Edward Gorey or "rock and roll" collection (see previous posts) will also be sold off at this event, never to return again. If there's something specific you wanted we could still do a custom order for you.
And of course, these are the perfect bathroom compliment to the sassy toilet seats. In the past we've done matching mirrors and tissue box covers, but we're trying to reel our obsessions in a bit!
conversations that sparkle

You'll also be seeing a whole batch of new sparkle phones at the upcoming "Not your Grandma's Christmas Craftsale". Saturday December 2nd at the Jack Purcell community center on Elgin Street. This is event is always a packed house, so come early --doors open at 10am.
Phones are $40. They are also avaialble for sale at Workshop Studio and Boutique on Dalhousie.
Greeting cards!

Marnie and I are both still girlie-girls when it comes to dolls...Marnie is PASSIONATE about her Blythe collection, where as I am slightly more subdued about the few vintage mod Barbies and Dawn dolls I've got.
Regardless, Marnie has taken amazing photos of her dollies and turned them into these beautiful and individual greeting cards. These photos simply do not do them justice. She also just made off with a bunch of my Dawns with the promise of making more, and you'll likely be seeing some Christmas themed cards in honour of the season.
We'll be selling these beauties for $4 each at the upcoming Ladyfest craftsale on December 2nd. Hope to see you there!
Saturday, November 04, 2006
a word on "costs"

I'm starting to think that I might not be able to part with this one of the makes me happy everytime I look at it.
At any rate, I should probably mention that some of these are vintage fabrics (and therefore more expensive than the reproduction patterns). There's only a few of those though, but they still won't be crazy Marimekko-stylie cha-ching (which run about $200 US for a "kit" about a yard and a half in size). We'll be sitting down to price this stuff in the next couple weeks. There's one that's 5 feet X 3feet likely to be around $100, and the smallest ones will be around $25, so Marnie and I will sit down and figure out what all our costs are and then price them accordingly.
We'll be upping the price of the toilet seats to $40 as well, as we were getting killed on those a bit. It's still a bargain, as I've noticed there's a woman in the states now doing them for $75 US. At Workshop they've been upped to $60, as they take their cut there too, so it needs to be worthwhile for both of us. I know we're not the most savy of business-women, but for us this is fun, not our jobs. The lightswitch covers will still be a $5 BARGOON, and the sparkle phones will be $40 as well. Definitely the craftsales are where things are zee cheapest...
This has the potential to be the last craftsale you will ever see us at, so if you want it after that you will have to either get it at the store or place a custom order.
back in action!

This is likely to be the first of a few posts (long overdue, I know...), as we gear up for the Ladyfest Christmas craftsale. More on that can be found on their website: . You should definitely check it out...I always seem to spend most of my time purchasing rather than selling, as there is always some amazing stuff there, and it is usually *the* craftsale for bringing out Ottawa's hippest and best DIYers.
This year we are rolling out the wall hangings for the first time evah, so it remains to be seen how they will actually fare. If they don't do well then i'll have lots of decorations for my own place--and you all can know what to expect for Xmas! As you can see from the above photos, we have lots of them in all different sizes, shapes, colours. I've thrown them all up together for the sake of the photos, but there's something appealing about how all the colours and patterns clash together, and there's plenty more where those came from. Why we always have to craft up such "giant" items is beyond me. I am always so envious of the crafters who show up with a little purse of jewelry and set up their table display in like two seconds flat. Marnie and I are usually hauling endless loads of toilet seats and telephones (and now these babies) out of the car. How we will even display all of them is beyond me. Plus I'm not sure that a couple of the uber big ones (not pictured) will even fit in a car!
So, that said, mark your calendars cuz the "not your grandma's Xmas craftsale" this year is on December 2nd at the Jack Purcell community center on Elgin street, I for one CANNOT wait!
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Monday, March 06, 2006
another satisfied customer!

This is Tony enjoying his new Leafs shitter --one of two Hockey team seats we've ever done (and likely won't ever do again, so the NHL need not worry...). The other was given to another overly thrilled Habs fan.
This would likely have been even more satifsying for us if Marnie and I weren't the only two Canadians in exitence who literally couldn't give a crap (pardon the pun) about Hockey. And also, S'mores Maker?! yes, please. But do you really need a machine for that?
And keep those photos comin'!
Sunday, January 08, 2006

We figured it was time to at least throw a bit of a blog together since we get enough requests from people at craft sales for a website, and Marnie and I are such techno-phobes that we just can't ever really seem to get it together. So, that said, this is us, easing ourselves into it...
We will do our best to update on craft sales we'll be attending, and any new merchandise we lazily manage to crank out. As always, our stuff is available directly through us or from Kim's store in Ottawa, Soho Betty.
In a nutshell these days, we are mostly all about home accessories with Razzle, and our basic DIY mission is to sparklize almost anything we come into contact with, particularly home accessories like:
Toilet Seats! Lightswitch covers! Telephones! Garbage Cans! Tissue box covers.... you get the idea ;)
we were big on jewelry and purses and hair accessories for awhile, but it's kind of fallen by the wayside with the popularity of and time involved in making the seats. We will never rule it out though, so if you have a special request, let us know.
Check back often, we love making crafty new friends!
xo Cara & Marnie