and they kinda read my mind on these ones:

A few months ago I made this pinafore for my friend's new baby,

and ever since I've been toying with the idea of making my own adult version. And I guess now I don't really have to!
My favourite from the new catalogue might be this one though:

Though maybe not in a varigated...I don't do varigated very well. But there are lots to choose from. This next one actually reminds me of similar number that my mom DID knit for me in the early eighties (in a lovely "dusty pink" if memory serves...) I wonder what ever happened to that?

Picture it "fuzzier..."

Wish I'd kept it. I definitely know where the blue-green enormo navaho-style jacket she knit for me in the early nineties is(or was it like 89?)--I wish I could say it was my during my "grunge" phase, but I think it was more a part of the guatamalan/hippie thing that I was going through there for a while. (a seriously bad time for fashion...)

But it's all verrrrry eighties with these colour choices. I thought this whole electro thing was dead in the water by now? I blame American Apparel for this. And also hate myself for kinda liking it.
No english versions on any of these patterns yet, but they are no doubt in the works. Phildar seems like they're pretty much translating everything these days.
I'm new in my awareness of Phildar.... I don't know where in the the US (or in NYC anyway) to find them or if they are available. The link I followed from your blog brought me to the Phildar site, but I can't locate these summer patterns. Where did you find them?
That pinafore is so sweet!
Grace --you can order the Phildar catalogues directly from France if none of your LYS' carries them (I have one in my neighborhood that does (tho I live in a french/english bilingual city so maybe that's why?)but they are not always the most current, so I have ordered from the site before...). You will only see the newest catalogue on the French version of the Phildar site, which is probably why you aren't seeing it (they have a lot more french than english catalogues)--it will eventually be up on the english side once the transalations are done I would think. :)
you have just introduced me to phildar. i had a closer look at the previous issues and i'm in love. i'm thinking of getting at least a few of the back issues. the tenDANces especially. just so amazing, because i never felt like i need to make every single pattern in a magazine.
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