These appeal to me strictly from a design standpoint, (not to mention every ounce of work that must go into them!) --but the form that she manages to create boggles the imagination.

Can't imagine we'll be seeing a pattern book for these any time soon. How does one manage to get a job as one of the knitting worker-bees on projects like these exactly? Or right-- I guess I'd have to go to fashion school or something. dang.
More incredible still are some of the non-knitwear pieces...I think this one is actually made out of hair:

Oh my goodness you find the most interesting knit fashion pics! LOL
*snort* @ fashion school
i read some article on knitty, which featured a girl from some FASHION SCHOOL that made a sweater in the human-hair/merino blend.
is it only me saying: eeew, gross!
Hmm. Makes my outfit of jeans and t-shirt look so ho-hum. Do you think they'll have hair-shirt knock-off's at H&M? Ha-ha.
beautiful - what a great designer!
i just found your now almost exact month old comment on my puffy beret, and i wrote down the pattern for you: http://hernamewasgreta.blogspot.com/2008/06/puff-magic-beret.html
hope the reply was worth the wait.
I really love these photos. I'm sure they seem ridiculous to some but knowing what it would take to concieve/chart/knit/assemble them--Whew! I don't know if I'm inspired or exhausted.
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