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What a doll! Amy dropped off a 'lil prezzie for me at work last week--and my kinda hassle-free present to boot...no digging for the needles or right yarn--blam-o! It's all there--and her very own hat pattern as well! She's a dynamo. I promise to tuck into that baby as soon as possible! You're the best :)
The sea of knitting related things arriving at my desk of late is starting to become a problem for me at work. As in: people at work think I have a problem. When last week's books arrived from Amazon one woman was heard to remark "boy, when you take on an interest, you really take it on." Compliment? no, dig more like. The knitting equivalent of someone saying about your new haircut "do you like it?"
bah. Whatever, haters. But seriously, there is some truth to that. My cyclic obsession with collecting and purging knows no bounds (it is the museumy preservationist in me) and sometimes it's records, sometimes it design-related stuff like furniture or housewares, or CLOTHES ( yesterday I seriously purged TWO garbage bags full of clothes and my closet is still completely crammed) and these days it is knitting books.
To wit, Rowan 38 also arriving at my desk this week:
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I had originally ordered it because i was planning on making Wallis, but now that I've comitted to Iceland, I've kinda scrapped the idea since the two are kind of similar. Nevertheless, all is not lost, as there are quite a few things in Rowan 38 that I'm interested in:
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Though what, if any, I will ever get around to is another story.
I do have an F.O on the way --Sunrise Circle is finally done, and I hope to take pictures of it today...possibly while out and about enjoying what's left of Winterlude!
And I've decided to scrap all plans for doing Twinkle's skating sweater as well, and use that yarn to put towards one of her newer designs from Weekend Knits, the borealis sweater:

And at the rate it's going so far, it should be done lickety split!
I'm sure I've commented before that my mom is also a knitter, and in that realm we have very different styles and interests...her: using her incredible knitting prowess for good and charity work and toys for children in daycare, me: using my half-assed skills for strictly selfish, fashion-related personal goals.
Her latest obsession is purchasing kids books (itsy bitsy spider, snow white and the seven dwarves etc.) that daycare workers can read aloud to their kids, and KNITTING THE ACCOMPANYING TOYS TO MATCH. Can you believe this woman? Examples here and here. She's nuts, I know.
So I thought I'd share her latest dinosaur creations,
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and the more recent additions:
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Like Jimmie Walker, she is truly: Dino-mite!
(sorry couldn't resist that double-pun.)
I'm so glad you liked the package! Can't wait to see what becomes of it.
If you head to Confederation park make sure to get a Ginger Molasses cookie from B-Goods. mmmm. Maybe I'll have to head over there too.
And all hail your mom!
Rowan book: awesome
Yer mom: awesome
The haters: screw 'em!
I'm embarrassed to admit that I had my latest Amazon order sent to my house, not my office to avoid scrutiny. (Even though it means having to trudge to the post office to pick up my package rather than getting it right away.) I don't know why I bothered considering everyone at work already thinks I'm a nut-job
yeah I'd have things sent to my house too if mail actually came to my friggin' house. Having to have things sent to work is definitely curbbing my ebay habit at least!
What a nice a cute gift you got! I'm sure that will knit up wonderfully (as per usual). Gotta love those Rowan books, I feel like every time I get one I want to make a ton of stuff but end up not because a) I'm not edgy enough or 2)because they involve an obscene amount of knitting (see herehttp://www.ravelry.com/projects/dizzyd/arwen-gown ). I saw that one in person and it was amazing. At least I find solace in knowing that all panels of that dress were done on a machine. Thank god. As for your mom, how cute is she?! Mine does things like that but usually in the form of mass producing hats to send overseas or the like. It's nice to have crafty moms isn't it?
And yeah...my mailman now knows me by name, my personal preference of where I'd like my packages stored, and what my hobbies include. I order a lot...
I've resorted to the parcels to house/ie collect from post office to avoid the work comments too!
Only knitters understand :o)
Your Mum's toys are super cute
Aah great surprise gift!
So do you really like that Weekend Knittng book?!?
LOL @ only knit for selfish reasons...ME TOO!! ;op
That is just FAB and so thoughtful @ storybook creatures! ;op
Can't wait to see Sunrise Circle!
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