I rhymed it up a notch (actually I was trying to make my title an extremely specific Degrassi reference: "all the way with Stephanie K"--anybody get that?)
yarn: Patons Classic 100% merino in "Rosewood"
needles: 4.5 mm
pattern: Elizabeth Zimmerman's "baby surprise jacket" from
Knitting Workshop (it can also be found in "the opinionated knitter" as well)
Such a fun knit! My first EZ pattern, and now I can't wait to try more of them. And par for the course for anyone who's knit a BSJ for the first time, I have to post the "before" (and after) folding photos. It knits up in one piece into kind of a misshapen rectangle, and then a little origami later and voila, un petit manteau:
(image deleted)
Only one seam that runs along the top...easy peasy. My biggest dilemma with this as usual, was what buttons to put on.
These were a close second:
(image deleted)
But in the end the little lambies one out (I took a poll at work). Yis. It's true. I did.

The only kinda weird thing about this was the varigated yarn I chose. Because the pattern is knit kind of on a bias, the colours began to pool at the bottom where it's a much shorter row that you're knitting. I suppose I could have kept breaking the yarn to mix it up a bit better, but who wants to weave in all those ends? In the end it almost looks deliberate, and kinda cool on the front with the purple on the bottom, but on the back it makes for a pink blob on baby Marnie's bum. Oh well, I still think it's totally cute! Want another pic?

And now I'm sure most of you have noticed that I also did the
Saartje's booties to go with the jacket.

Those are such a great and fast little pattern. Evidenced if nothing else by the fact that about three thousand people (literally) on Ravelry appear to be doing them right now. They go really well with the BSJ, but again I was torn about what buttons to use (why does this plague me so?!)
In other baby BFF news, baby Marnie also has the
Anouk pinafore to look forward to:

Though I am planning to change it a bit (no pockets...), but maybe a little heart in the corner. I saw a really similar one on ravelry that it so cute. You can find it through my favourites if you're interested. It's starting to make me think that I need my own pinafore!
Finally, after talking with
Miss Muffy who was over for a 'lil visit on the weekend, I've decided to nix
this idea. I'm SO drawn to those sleeves but am weirded out by the shawl collar. And she's right...that sweater will do my boobs no favours. God knows I've knit enough jackets of the "tent" variety lately. So thank-you miss J for making me see the light. Back to the drawing board though on what to do with all that yarn I bought to make the swing jacket. There is no getting ahead.
Hope everyone had a great weekend :)