see how purty? I cannot wait for this to arrive. My justifications are two: 1) I need a needle bag and this is a combo one, anything I'd buy here would be hideous and at least 40 bucks anyway, and 2) I'm supporting DIY culture.
Justified, right? also, LOOK at it. It's gorgeous. Yah, I feel bad for spending the money, but not bad enough to really regret it.
The clapotis presses on. I'm half way through my third skein and am starting to think it will use up all eight balls I bought. I'm debating on shortening it. Would it just be a matter of nixing a couple sections of straight rows, or would that eff with the dropped stitch part of the pattern? I have no idea. I can knit, it's the spatial and mathmatical (is that a word?) aspects that drive me crazy about most crafts. gah. I may have to break from this altogether and get real stuff done. The house is a mess. But with the way our winter is going (or lack thereof)I'm running out of cold weather to wear it in.
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