...even though this particular winter has been seriously lacking round these parts, it's still the best time to get any knitting done. My knitting seems to come grinding to a halt every year around May when things start heating up. I'm kind of determined to get over that this year by a) purchasing another air conditioner for the main floor where most of the knitting happens. And b) purchasing blinds or some kind of window covering that actually keeps out the sun. I love the bright sunlight in our living room, but again it really tends to heat things up in there in the summertime. There's nothing worse that trying to knit in 45 humidex heat. It simply cannot be done.
Those are my goals this spring at any rate, because I'd like to carry the joys of winter knitting through to the rest of the year.
And by
joys right now, this is really turning into a large part of it:

(the view from the sofa)
and the view from my lap:
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